SecurityPrincipal Overview

SecurityPrincipals are Users and Groups. In an RBAC, Roles exist to assign Rights - a Suplex Role is just a Group that is dedicated to Rights assignment. Role membership - other Users and Groups - need to be defined in Suplex, but they may be sourced from a another provider, such as an LDAP store, for general management. For group membership management, Suplex differentiates between internal (local) and external groups, where local Groups allow membership edits and external groups do not. User objects only need to be defined in Suplex if assigning Users directly to Group membership. If sourcing another provider for external groups, the external groups will be members of the Role-groups, and thus User objects may not be required.


ISecurityPrincipal is the base interface for Users and Groups.


Field/Method Type Required Description
UId Guid Yes Primary key in the datastore, a GUID to support replication amongst stores.
Name string Yes Gets or sets the account name.
Description string No Gets or sets the account description.
IsLocal bool Yes Gets or sets the internal/external status of the account
IsBuiltIn bool Yes Gets or sets an indicator for "required" accounts
IsEnabled bool Yes Gets or sets the enabled status of the account
IsValid bool Yes (deprecated) Gets or sets an indicator for properly initialized accounts
IsUser bool Yes Gets a value indicating if the current object is a User or a Group


A User object inherits the base definition of ISecurityPrincipal and implements the following additional properties.


Field/Method Type Required Description
IsAnonymous bool Yes Gets or sets whether the User is resolved against the Suplex store. This is only valid in applications that allow anonymous authentication paradigms.
IsUser bool Yes Always returns true


ISecurityPrincipal is the base interface for Users and Groups.


Field/Method Type Required Description
Mask byte[] No A unique value used in Row-Level Security (RLS) implementations
IsUser bool Yes Always returns false
Groups collection No A list of child Group objects; nested group membership